I love league/csv.
However I often want to do validation for the files people are uploading or my site is scraping. To make this easier I decided to write a class to make this faster to implement instead of rewriting it over and over.
I included in it a few common validators are included such as date check, numeric value check and a regex match – but what I really like is that I can pass through more complicated checks as variable functions. The function returns true for a pass, and any other returns get passed as an exception message. As an example if I wanted to make sure that the value is between 5 and 7 I could pass this:
$checkFiveToSeven = function($x) {
if (!is_numeric($x)){ return 'Value not numeric'; }
if ($x<5){ return 'Value less than 5'; }
if ($x>7){ return 'Value higher than 7'; }
return true;
$ImportCSV->add_requiredCol(name:'columnName', functionpass:$checkFiveToSeven);
We have to have league/csv in the directory this class is in (in a namespace in this example but of course can be altered to meet other needs) in the same format as used in this composer.json:
"config": {
"vendor-dir": "leaguecsvVendor"
"require": {
"league/csv": "^9.0"
Once you have league/csv ready this is the code I use to get the validation working with it.
namespace NAMESPACE\CSVImport;
use PDO;
use \Exception;
use League\Csv\Reader;
use League\Csv\Statement;
$ImportCSV = new NAMESPACE\CSVImport\CSVImport;
$csvFile = realpath('test.csv');
foreach ($ImportCSV->CSV as $rs){
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo "<p><mark>EXCEPTION!! <pre>";
echo $e->getMessage();
echo "</pre></mark></p>";
class CSVImport
public $CSV;
public $ColumnNames;
protected $requiredCols = [];
public $errors = [];
public function __construct()
public function loadFile($filePath,$HeaderOffset=0)
if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
throw new Exception(__METHOD__." passed file not found");
$this->CSV = Reader::createFromPath($filePath, 'r');
if (isset($HeaderOffset)) {
$this->ColumnNames = $this->CSV->getHeader();
return $this;
public function validate()
public function getErrors()
return $this->errors;
public function validate_FileData()
{ // go through each record and verify if the contents are as required
$line= 1;
foreach ($this->CSV as $rs) {
foreach ($this->requiredCols as $req) {
if (isset($req['maxlength'])) { // maximum char length
if (strlen($rs[$req['name']])>$req['maxlength']) {
$this->errors[] = 'Line '.$line.', Column "'.$req['name'].'" ('.$rs[$req['name']].') exceeded max length of '.$req['maxlength'];
if (isset($req['minlength'])) { // minimum char length
if (strlen($rs[$req['name']])<$req['minlength']) {
$this->errors[] = 'Line '.$line.', Column "'.$req['name'].'" ('.$rs[$req['name']].') is under minimum length of '.$req['minlength'];
if (isset($req['regex'])) { // using a regex to match
if (!preg_match($req['regex'],$rs[$req['name']])) {
$this->errors[] = 'Line '.$line.', Column "'.$req['name'].'" ('.$rs[$req['name']].') did not match required format: '.$req['regex'];
if (isset($req['methodcall'])) { // an existing method in this class
if (!call_user_func([$this,$req['methodcall']],$rs[$req['name']])) {
$this->errors[] = 'Line '.$line.', Column "'.$req['name'].'" ('.$rs[$req['name']].') failed validation method: '.$req['methodcall'];
if (isset($req['functionpass'])) { // passing a function as a variable.
// Custom functions must accept either ($value) or ($value,$record)
$reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($req['functionpass']);
if ($reflection->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()==2) {
$fpVal = $req['functionpass']($rs[$req['name']],$rs);
} else {
$fpVal = $req['functionpass']($rs[$req['name']]);
if ($fpVal!==true) {
$this->errors[] = 'Line '.$line.', Column "'.$req['name'].'" ('.$rs[$req['name']]
.') custom validation function returned: '.$fpVal;
if (isset($req['inarray'])) { // passing an array of allowed values
if (!in_array($rs[$req['name']],$req['inarray'])) {
$this->errors[] = 'Line '.$line.', Column "'.$req['name'].'" ('.$rs[$req['name']].') not found in list of valid options: ['.implode(', ',$req['inarray']).']';
if (count($this->errors)) {
throw new Exception("File has the validation error(s)");
public function validate_RequiredColumnNames()
{ // see if the required column names are in this file
foreach ($this->requiredCols as $req) {
if (!in_array($req['name'],$this->ColumnNames)) {
$this->errors[] = 'Missing required column: '.$req['name'];
if (count($this->errors)) {
throw new Exception("File is missing required column(s)");
public function add_requiredCol(string $name,
string $type=null,
int $maxlength=null,
int $minlength=null,
string $regex=null,
string $methodcall=null,
object $functionpass=null,
array $inarray=[],
$arr = [];
$arr['name'] = $name;
if (isset($type)) {
// preset type variables ::
// NOTE these will be overwritted by additional vars included as this
// intentionally runs before the other var sets
switch ($type) {
case 'date':
$arr['methodcall'] = 'isDateFormat';
case 'numeric':
$arr['methodcall'] = 'isNumericFormat';
if (isset($maxlength)) {
$arr['maxlength'] = $maxlength;
if (isset($minlength)) {
$arr['minlength'] = $minlength;
if (isset($regex)) {
$arr['regex'] = $regex;
if (isset($methodcall)) {
$arr['methodcall'] = $methodcall;
if (isset($functionpass)) {
$arr['functionpass'] = $functionpass;
if (isset($inarray)&&count($inarray)) {
$arr['inarray'] = $inarray;
$this->requiredCols[$name] = $arr;
public function isDateFormat($value)
return true;
return false;
public function isNumericFormat($value)
if (is_numeric($value)) {
return true;
return false;